ロングライフデザイン賞 2020

ロングライフデザイン賞 受賞のおしらせ

この度、「元祖 すり口醤油差し」は、2020年度ロングライフデザイン賞を受賞いたしました。


Thank you for your patronage as always.
Today, we are honored to announce that our soy sauce dispenser “The first ground glass soy sauce bottle
awarded the 2020 Long Life Design Award.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your continuous support.
We will continue to do our best to provide you with glass tableware that you will be able to enjoy for a long time.

●−元祖 すり口醤油差し―●


This product was designed and developed in 1976 with the goal of replacing the screw-type lids of the glass soy sauce dispensers which were the mainstream at that time but had a problem of dripping the soy sauce while using it.
Our ground glass lid soy sauce dispenser got an idea from a drip bottle used for a chemical experiment and solved a problem of dripping of the soy sauce.
We are very grateful and happy that it is highly evaluated not only because it has been manufactured for a long period, but also because of its functionality such as not dripping the soy sauce, easy to hold and not collapsing easily, and its design which pursued simplicity so that it can be used on any kind of table.
We are also very grateful to the artisans who have been so thorough over the years to hand craft one by one with care.


The Long Life Design Award has been developed for many years through dialogue with manufacturers and users, and society, and is an award for honoring designs that will become the cornerstone of living and society and that are desired to continue to play the role in the future and designs with the power to continue to be a standard beyond value that changes with the times.

私たちの暮らしに欠かせない絶対的な調味料といえば『お醤油』です。 テーブルに置かれた醤油差しは、その家の格を垣間見せてしまう大切なファクターであるように思います。擦り合わせガラスの部分が美しく見た目に涼やかさを演出していますが、それは液だれさせないための機能美も兼ね備えていること。テーブルの上で決して主張せず、かつ凛とした美しさを醸し出す容姿。こまめにお手入れしたいものだからこそのサイズ感と中身が見える清潔感。 45年もの間、重宝されてきたのにはこのような訳があります。
お醤油の紫を美しく見せる、テーブルに置く時の美しさやお手入れの簡単さ、最も大切なのは液だれをさせないこと−簡単なようで難しい試行錯誤があったと推察します。 現代の暮らしにも、そして多様化していくこれからの私たちの暮らしにもずっと寄り添ってくれるものと期待しての高評価となりました。

